Teensy 2.0 USB AVR with cable

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Teensy 2.0 USB AVR comes with USB cable No Pins

Teensy 2.0 USB AVR comes with USB cable No Pins


The Teensy 2.0
A compact development board that is suitable for use with a breadboard and has a ton of features. The Teensy breaks out all of the IO available on the ATMEGA32U4 to a bread board with 0.1 inch spaced headers to hook up your peripherals.
The Teensy 2.0 is pre-flashed with a bootloader so you can program it with the on-board USB connection: No external programmer needed! You can program with your IDE using C or install the Teensyduino add on for the Arduino IDE and write Arduino sketches.


Spanning 5 V
Frequency 16 MHz